Sunday, April 5, 2015

Change of Plans :)

So after a few weeks of debating with my inner self, I have decided not to compete in the May 30 show.  I have had several life changes in the last few weeks that have and will continue to put strain on my contest prep.  The most challenging is the new job that I will be starting in 1 week.  The job itself is going to be awesome but the 9 weeks of training are is going to be a challenge and take up a lot of my time.  I will be sitting in an office from 8-4:30, then of course I will be rushing home to my 3 kids to get homework done, dinner made and just general household chores all of this will leave little time to get my workouts in.  Anyone who has gone through contest prep knows you have to be diligent with your workouts and prep workouts are long you have to dedicate a good 2 hours daily.  So could I get it all in??  Probably, but it would require me to either get up very early or stay up very late or maybe even both.  I fear that I will be come exhausted and miserable from the lack of sleep and the stress of my new job and getting everything done.  I don't think it would be fair to my family because this will be a situation for them also.  So am I sad? Well yes actually I am.  I was really feeling in the zone and my body was changing nicely.  Up until this weekend I was going to keep at it and take it one day at a time, but the more I thought about it the more selfish I began to feel so I decided to step down.  So what's next??  I am going to stick to my meal plan and stay as close to my training plan as I possibly can.  I want to continue to lean out some so that when I pick a new show I wont have as much work to do.  There is actually a plus to being at the office all day...I have to eat my meals that I pack and no temptation from the kids snacks ;-)  So the dieting should actually be easier. 

Time will tell and I will share my journey as I progress through the next few weeks.  Wishing you all a very happy Spring!!!


For training plans...
For the best mascara...'

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